This product is not available to purchase as Delphi have introduced new LSP server.
Make CodeInsight Intelligent
- Smart Pattern Match
- Suggest symbols by relevance
- Sync edit type arguments (NOTE: Click the following images to play the GIF)
- Suggest type arguments for generic types/methods
- Postfix Code Completion (60+ Templates)
- Generate local variable via Postfix Completion or Smart Completion (Ctrl+Alt+Space)
- Generate anonymous method expression
- Powerful for/forr/forin Postfix Completion Templates (Auto-Infer element type)
- Import symbols from external units (Alt+Shift+Space Experimental for packages)
- Reveal missing symbols in many cases (Press Ctrl+Space again to get more suggestions)
- Customize Commit Behavior: Insert/Replace (Enter/Tab Key)
- Auto Popup
- Auto Parenthesis/Brackets
- Auto Semicolon
- Auto Peposition Code Parameters Tooltip
- Auto Escape identifiers such as ‘For’
- Suggest scoped enums
- Hide inaccessible static members
- TEncoding.FUTF8Encoding
- TEncoding.GetUTF8
- TFoo.$ClassInitFlag
- Hide inaccessible Helper members
- Hide nested type members when accessing via instance
- Show Class Property Symbols
- TEncoding.UTF8
- Show static members declared in helper type
e.g. TGuidHelper.NewGuid => TGuid.NewGuid - Show non-instance members in static class methods
- Show non-instance members in class constructor/class destructor
- Improve display of generic symbols
- Show both generic and non-generic method overloads
- Delphi XE7+ (If you are interested in earlier versions, please vote.)
- Postfix Template Catalog (60+)