We are so pleased to announce the first beta of Documentation Insight Enterprise version. This version includes all features in V2 Professional plus a tool set of Documentation Generator. Change log: V2.6.8.15 (Beta) – Documentation Project wizard – Generate Web page files which includes html files, table of contents and index page with a search… Continue reading ANN: Documentation Insight Enterprise Beta (Including Documentation Generator)
[Tutorial] How to Generate Delphi Code Documentation Files in Documentation Insight
Documentation Insight Enterprise version helps you produce rich documentation files with only a few steps. Here we go: 1. Open an existing project or a project group in RAD Studio 2. Click the menu Documentation – Generate Documentation… Tip: Documentation Insight will find the corresponding documentation project (.diproj file) in the same location of the current… Continue reading [Tutorial] How to Generate Delphi Code Documentation Files in Documentation Insight
Preorder Documentation Generator by saving 30%
DevJET Documentation Generator is a standalone application which extracts XMLDoc comments from Delphi source files and produces professional help files, including web pages (html), CHM and Microsoft Help V2.0 files that could be integrated into RAD Studio Documentation (2005-XE2). Here are some snapshots and online demos of the generated help files of the Spring4D project:… Continue reading Preorder Documentation Generator by saving 30%
Documentation Insight V2.3.5.29
This minor update fixed some issues where generated xml documentation might be placed inproperly. To get the version, please go to Downloads page.
ANN: Documentation Insight V2.3.4.21 Released
This minor update V2.3.4.21 includes the following changes: Added Fold Documentations Added Check Updates Support hyperlink in Exceptions/SeeAlso section Optimized Load Performance for Documentation Explorer Show the code elements, which are in implementation section, in Documentation Explorer Fixed a crash issue when closing IDE Fixed the issue of hung up on uncompleted generic constraints Fixed a… Continue reading ANN: Documentation Insight V2.3.4.21 Released
Documentation Insight V2 Professional Released
Finally, we have shipped Documentation Insight V2 Professional. Visit the page to see the new highlights and improvements introduced in V2. For those who pre-ordered the upgrade license and purchased V1 since Sep. 1st, 2011, we have sent you the new serial number and activation code. Please check out your inbox. It is necessary to download… Continue reading Documentation Insight V2 Professional Released
Documentation Insight V2 Beta1 Invitation
We are currently preparing the first beta release of Documentation Insight V2. This version includes several highlights and many improvements: 1. Live Documentation Explorer The Documentation Explorer will construct the code structure of the projects in a second. It makes it easier to understand the code library and document your code. We plan to add… Continue reading Documentation Insight V2 Beta1 Invitation
ANN: Preorder Documentation Insight 2.0 Professional will save 30-50%
Dear guys, The first public beta of Documentation Insight V2.0 is scheduled to be available at the beginning of Jan Feb 2012. The most highlights in V2.x are Live spell check, Live documentation explorer, etc. To get more information, please visit: http://devjetsoftware.com/products/documentation-insight/some-news-about-documentation-insight-v2-0/ By the coming of the Chrismas Day and the New Year, we are offering a special… Continue reading ANN: Preorder Documentation Insight 2.0 Professional will save 30-50%
Some news about Documentation Insight V2.0
You might have noticed that there are so many highlights in Documentation Insight V2.0 which was mentioned in last . Recently, we have been asked by so many Delphi Developers about the timeline of Documentation Insight V2. Here are two snapshots to show the power of the new version. Take #1 You may browse all… Continue reading Some news about Documentation Insight V2.0
ANN:Documentation Insight V1.4.2 Released
Dear all, We have just released a minor update of Documentation Insight. This update fixed a Crash error when closing the Delphi IDE if Documentation Insight window was docked. The download is available at: http://devjetsoftware.com/downloads/DevJET_DI_Setup_V1.4.2.106.exe