Documentation Insight has shipped and it supports most tags in the Delphi Documentation Guidelines. Luckily, it’s possible to customize the built-in Help Insight to make it support the tags and look better. The following snapshots show our effort. : ) Updated: Feb, 7th, 2011, V0.9.2 released (Fixed the encoding issue) Download Download Now Additional Note You… Continue reading More Help Insight Customization
Documentation Insight V1.x Roadmap
Documentation Insight is an add-in which helps you visually read and write documentation in the Delphi / RAD Studio IDE. It has shipped. We will keep improving this product. Here is the plan for V1.x: 1. Syntax Parser Extract more metadata such as Parameter Optional/Default Fix bugs in parsing some VCL units (implementation section) Considering… Continue reading Documentation Insight V1.x Roadmap
Documentation Insight Ships
We are so excited to announce that Documentation Insight ships now. We have updated the website you can download the latest version from the page. It’s recommended that you visit the product page at We made a flash video to demonstrate how Documentation Insight helps you visually read and write documentation in the IDE.… Continue reading Documentation Insight Ships
Documentation Insight Beta 3 Released
Updated Dec. 30th, 2010: Documentation Insight has shipped! please visit here: 1. Introduction Documentation Insight is an add-in for RAD Studio IDE and it provides a WYSIWYG editor to help you visually view and edit xml documentation. 2. Requirements * Internet Explorer 7 or higher * MSXML 6.0 * RAD Studio 2007/2010/XE (Delphi) 3. What’s new… Continue reading Documentation Insight Beta 3 Released
Rename It! Released
Finally, Rename It! has been released! 1. Introduction You must love this wizard if you like refactoring. It can help you quickly rename an unit and update its references in the project group. In the ealier IDEs such as Delphi 7, Just press the shortcut key (By default, it’s Ctrl+Shift+U) insteading of using “Save AS”,… Continue reading Rename It! Released
Donated by Help & Manual
We are so excited since we have just been donated by Help & Manual which is a great and well-known single-source help authoring and content management system for both single and multi-author editing. It is really fantastic since we can write User Guide of Spring Framework for Delphi with this professional tool. P.S. We need a documentation manager for… Continue reading Donated by Help & Manual
Rename It! RC 1 Updated
Due to a mistake in deployment, the old installer of Rename It! was still non-functional. We are very sorry for the inconvenience. Please download the latest installer. (Thanks for the remind of Brett Graffin.) Any problems or ideas, please post a thread on our support forum. DevJET Software
Documentation Insight Beta 2 Released
Updated: Documentation Insight has shipped, please visit the product page. 1. Introduction Documentation Insight is an add-in for RAD Studio IDE and it provides a WYSIWYG editor to help you visually view and edit xml documentation. 2. Requirements Internet Explorer 7 or higher MSXML 6.0 RAD Studio 2007/2010/XE (Delphi) 3. What’s new in Beta 2… Continue reading Documentation Insight Beta 2 Released
Delphi Documentation Guidelines
1. Preface: When we want to learn a code library, we must read its documentation at first. A professional documentation will help us easily get the key points and understand the design intention of the author. It is no doubtful that one of the most impressive examples is MSDN. On the other hand, when we… Continue reading Delphi Documentation Guidelines
Documentation Insight Beta 1 Released
Updated: Documentation Insight has shipped, please visit the product page. We are very excited to announce that the first beta of Documentation Insight is now released! 1. Introduction Documentation Insight is an add-in for the RAD Studio IDE and it provides a WYSIWYG editor to help you visually view and edit xml documentation. Here are some… Continue reading Documentation Insight Beta 1 Released